The detail view, or profile page is the page showing all custom fields in the order you created them.

Allowing for much customising, the profile page allows you to create a unique profile page for your project. You have many options.

Tabbed or un-tabbed?

Showing the field-groups tabbed? Possible!
Showing the field-groups and their child-fields as sections below each-other? Possible!

You can even set the with of each column in this layout, using the table devider. 

You can also choose a table class (this is a bootstrap table layout) and optionally show a map (address) in the detailview. In order for Google to map the pointer to the right address, you have to set 3 options: Custom field that is used for for street, city and country. Simply select the custom field you have created for this user here. With this information, google will try to locate the address as best as possible.